It’s the time again; that time when we stand on the brink of the year to come and take that deep breath of reflection before we jump. For some, the new year seems to stretch out them holding more of the same. For others, it holds impending change or transition.
So, take a seat… and stay with me a while. Where are you now? Where are you at in your stage of life, in your career or family life (or both!), relationships? Where are you in Place? Just notice your immediate surroundings for a moment… the home, the town, the state or county, the country… You happy here? How’s it going? What’s going well? What’s getting better? What would you like to see improved? What would you like to change or even eliminate from your life?
Take stock of the now, and mentally highlight the best thing about your life and Place right now… Me first? Fair enough 😉
Best thing about my life right now? I’m living and thriving in challenges that are keeping me at the edge of my comfort zone, which is where I like to be, and where I grow the best. So blessed by that.
Best thing about my Place right now? My home. I’ve been in this house 3 years now, the longest I’ve been anywhere as an adult… and it’s grown up organically around me, full of memories and coziness that has made it a part of me in a way that no other home has ever been…
Your turn… 🙂