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While my work primarily sees me in conversation with people face-to-face, I found myself wanting to find creative ways to carry on these conversations even when not in real time. One avenue for this as been writing my book, “Incredible Lives and the Courage to Live Them” which is listed here as available to purchase. You’ll see the audio book (read by me!) available too. And I’m hoping to bring more books to you in the future too!
Incredible Lives and the Courage to Live Them: Thoughts of a Third Culture Kid therapist
by Dr Rachel Cason
If you are an adult TCK, you probably sense that the multicultural, high mobility experiences of your childhood continue to impact your life in some way now. Making sense of the impact of these experiences, however, can feel overwhelming, especially if we have long experience of our stories being met with bafflement and incredulity.
My hope is that this collection of my thoughts over the last seven years of working with Third Culture Kids will create space for you to explore and make sense of the incredible life you’ve lived.
As you read, I hope that you feel the invitation of community and belonging where you see your personal experience shared by so many others.
So get comfortable, know you are oh-so welcome, and enjoy the journey! These pages are for you, offered with love and care to you from this TCK therapist.
Our Products
I’ll also be listing a mix of free and purchasable resources below – developing different pieces as I go. Some will be resources you can download and work through or use in your own time, some will be images you can play with to print or use to personalise mugs/pillows/notebooks etc, adding expression to your own growth journeys.
Time Zones, Global Life, Expat, Third Culture Kid, International: Your time or mine?
Third Culture Kid – Terrific Cultural Kaleidoscope – digital image download
Maps, Travel, Story, Adventure, Third Culture Kid, Unrooted, TCK: My story makes more sense with a map
Personal Growth, Therapy, Counselling, Nurture, Plant, Settling: It’s a beautiful day to stay and grow
Culture, Multicultural, Third Culture Kid, TCK, global citizen, weird, anthropology: I’m not weird… I’m culturally fascinating.
Cute Sheep, Nurture, Self Care, Kindness: Take care of you / ewe
Self care, Nurture, Therapy, Counselling, Self love, Personal Growth: Take care of you
Self Care, Personal Growth, Russian Dolls, Nesting Dolls, Matryoshka dolls: I’m looking after all the mes today
Therapy, Counselling, Fabulous, Affirmation, Humour: I’m fabulous. My therapist says so.
Therapy, Counselling, Mental Health, Personal Growth, Humour: I make my therapist laugh. In a good way.
Therapy, Counselling, Mental Health, Personal Growth, Humour: I make my therapist laugh… in a good way
Alien, Identity, Belonging, Lonely: I make complete sense… somewhere else
Self care, therapy, friend, caring: image – and how are you today
Accent Changes, Third Culture Kid, Code Switching – image: accent loading…
Global identity, Third Culture Kid, world in my hands – image: my story, my identity, my world
Get in Touch
If there is anything you’d like to see here that isn’t currently listed, let me know! I’d love to know what resources you’d find useful as you find ways to honour your story so far, and write your next chapters too!