A short message from me today… but I wanted to wish you all the very, very best for the new year! I hope you have a wonderful start to 2016… and whatever resolutions you have made 🙂
Me? I’m looking forward to an exciting year working with exciting people. I am looking forward to seeing the ways Life Story will empower people in this coming year!
What are you looking forward to? What new resolutions are going to feature in 2016? I used to hate resolutions… I felt that if change needed to be made, it should be made… having one time in the year dedicated to making change felt like a delay mechanism, a way of procrastinating.
This year I’ll be making a few… and I have come to appreciate the need for special times for special decisions. I have come to see that these occasions offer the reflection that is often a prerequisit for meaningful commitment.
Perhaps this season has prompted in you a desire to reaquaint yourself with your story, a desire to harness the expeirences of the past to clarify your present, a desire to move into a more future grounded in your history, informed by it and yet not limited by it.
Perhaps you’ll send me an email, and we’ll get that resolution off the ground together! Any questions, drop me a message via this page and we’ll book a free consultation 🙂