What Story Does Your Home Tell?

So, likely as not your Christmas decorations are down by now… and you have been back at work enough of the New Year to feel both relief at the ‘routine’ of life returning and alarm that you are so exhausted by it already. The process of taking down...

Pico Iyer’s Stained Glass Self

So, many of you will have already come across Pico Iyer’s TED talk, ‘Where is home?’ If you haven’t, do clink the link below – it’s wonderful. I have just re-watched it and wanted to expand on one of his themes… Pico describes...

Coming Home

A client recently sent me a link to Sigma and Rita Ora’s “Coming Home”. This song managed to express the inexpressible, the longing for a home that has never been known. The lyrics, “there’s a life I always knew but never had”, are...

Hearing your story – when a tree falls…

If a tree falls in the forest, but there is no-one to hear it fall, does it make a sound? Our stories need to be heard, to feel real. For us to feel real. For the less geographically challenged (!) the people they grow up with, spend years around, become witnesses to...