Third Culture Kids and the Winter Blues

Third Culture Kids and the Winter Blues

How are you doing? I mean, really? Something I’m hearing a fair bit of right now is how people are suffering from the ‘winter blues’. This seems to be a fairly common phenomenon in the northern hemisphere, and not a particularly Third Culture...

Adventure without Travel – a TCK necessity

Feeling antsy? Blocked from travel? How can we get adventure without travel? So something that comes up a fair bit with my work with adult Third Culture Kids is the ongoing desire for adventure. We grow up with change being our normal, and we can develop a certain...

Gabor Maté’s “Scattered Minds”: ADHD & TCKs

I devoured this book. Maté writes about the human mind in relational, rather than mechanistic, terms. He writes about ADD and ADHD and the term ‘scattered’ that he uses to describe this cohort seems to me very apt. It also happens to be the term used most...

Rainy Day Memories & Self-care Opportunities

How do you feel about the rain? And what on earth does it have to do with self-care? Let’s walk through our memories together, and reflect on how our experiences can shape (or limit) our ability to self-focus and self-nurture. In the last few days we’ve...