Three Ways to Bloom in Place

I’ve had the opportunity this week to do one of my favourite things; tidy up the garden. I noticed how much my spirits lifted with the presence of dirt under my fingernails, and a sense of mastery over mess. What is it about digging about in dirt, and tidying up...

When Growth Hurts…

“It’s been a summer of growing pains”, I explained to my friend. As a child I had suffered a lot with what doctors referred to as growing pains. Essentially, at times of rapid growth it felt as though my bones had lengthened before my muscles…...

If Growth was a Money Box: investing in ourselves

I talk to people all the time who are overwhelmed. They are overwhelmed by all the things that are changing in their life, in their thinking, in their relationships. I tend toward this too; carrying a strong sense of what needs to change, what is changing… but...

Windows of Tolerance

We’ve all heard of the “comfort zone”. This is the space in which we operate most, erm, comfortably. Here we feel no distress or anxiety and we function well. The notion of the “window of tolerance” extends on this concept and applies...

Third Culture Kids and the Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset is a bit of a buzzword at the moment… but the buzz originates in an idea put forward by Dr. Dweck 30 years ago. For a good summary of that work click here, but for now let’s focus on the links we can make between growth mindset and Third...