Chronic Pain & Sensory Overload

“Write about that which you know”. Isn’t that the advice given to our beloved Jo in Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women? Well, today I know sensory overload. So this is what I’m writing about. I have chronic pain. It’s due to...

Why We Need to Tell Our Story

Whenever I start working with a new client, I explain that our first session will be two hours long, rather than the usual one. This gives us time to walk through the whole of my client’s story – from beginning to the present day. It is not uncommon for me...

Chronic pain and losing identity…

My Chronic Pain has reared its head and roared its presence this week. I capitalize Chronic Pain because it does really seem more of a character in my story of self, than a mere experience. Chronic Pain has needs, expressions and form, and I’ve been ignoring its...