

The Manual of You: 

design a life that works for YOU!


An astronaut floats peacefully in space, with a book connected to their space helmet, providing them with all the life giving air they need.

Who is this for?

Many people have spent decades trying to get themselves to fit in. Many others have spent years trying to find just the right place that fits them. Both can be exhausting endeavours. I should know. As a Third Culture Kid who also happens to be neurodivergent, I know both approaches can lead to burnout and pain.

This coaching approach centres on uncovering what works best for you and harnessing that knowledge to design a life that works for you. For many of us who grew up in perpetual adaptation, it can be a challenge to discover that we aren’t clear about what optimal function actually looks like for us, and that we are even less clear about what we can do to achieve it. This is where writing your own “Manual of You” comes in.

What is it? 

The “Manual of You” is a 10 week program that walks you through four core needs: Physical, Mental, (Inter)Personal and Environmental. As we explore what you need in each of these areas, you’ll build your own manual of yourself; a guide to designing a life that supports and inspires you.

Coaching is a structured approach to growth that focuses sessions on creating clear action points that will take us towards our goals. Coaching tends to be a fast-acting method of making changes, so can be especially encouraging when we feel stuck, knowing we want change but unsure how to get it.

Unlike another service I offer, Life Story therapy, we don’t go into your story as a whole but will instead focus on what elements of it can be harnessed to write your “Manual of You” for your life in the present and future. And unlike my counselling service, coaching is both more structured and focused on the future and what active changes you want to make.

How does it work?

The process we’ll likely move through each session is

  • Getting curious about your needs for each chapter of your Manual
  • Establishing what your sense of optimal functioning looks like
  • Exploring what’s worked well for you in the past, and what’s worked less well
  • Getting imaginative about how you could accommodate the needs you’ve identified
  • Choosing your best guidelines to achieve optimal functioning
  • Making a plan to action the chapter of Manual you’ve just written for yourself


As a student coach, I charge £50 an hour. When I qualify this will increase to £70 in line with my other services. Payments are to be made before each session. I use a platform called SquareUp, which will deliver your invoice by email with a button that will allow you to pay by card. On the rare occasion this is problematic with your card, I can also invoice by PayPal.