Adventure without Travel – a TCK necessity

Feeling antsy? Blocked from travel? How can we get adventure without travel? So something that comes up a fair bit with my work with adult Third Culture Kids is the ongoing desire for adventure. We grow up with change being our normal, and we can develop a certain...

Does Travel Make Me a Better Person?

Again and again, in the TCK world, I encounter the belief that “I travel, therefore I am (okay)”. The thinking goes something like this: My experiences of travel are what make me interesting. Ergo, should I stop travelling I would become mundane, boring....

Travel, the Marmite effect…

In the UK, we will sometimes describe something as having the ‘Marmite effect’. By this we mean, people will either love or hate whatever it is we are discussing. The phrase, ‘Love It, Hate It’ is even used in its advertising campaigns…...

Exploring ‘Home’

Exploring ‘home’… that’s what I’m up to this weekend. It’s often the case that the treasures of one’s ‘hometown’ go unexplored, simply due to their being on the doorstep. These hometown ‘areas of...


It’s about this time of year that people in the UK start planning (if they haven’t already!) their travels to see family over the Christmas period. I imagine this stands for many other parts of the world also… For some, whose family are far-flung,...